Hi. I'm Uros.

This is my journey to
becoming a data analyst.

Blog, posts, resources, reports and dashboards. This will be my notebook as short knowledge refresher.

I'm not reinventing the wheel. Every content posted here is already written and taught by someone else somewhere. I will do my best to give credits to all authors and link every resource used.

im an open book

About Me.

I discovered that my current way of working and approach to problem-solving is actually a standard data/business analyst mould.

With that in mind, I am continuing my orientation and professional development with everything that has to do with data and analysis.

knowledge is power


Descriptive Analytics is strong foundation while building up my Predictive, 
Prescriptive and Diagnostic Analytics skills. 

Also, there is a constant need for learning new tools and techniques while playing with the data. My current set of tools is covering solid knowledge of Excel and Power BI.  While upgrading those tools focus is on mastering SQL and statistics theory. 



Extract, transform and load data.
Connecting and pulling data from various types of sources.


data analysis

Cleaning, transforming, and analyzing data.
Understanding data and purpose of analysis, applying statistical methods in finding trends and errors, mainly doing Descriptive Analytics.


dashboard design

Communicating the right message through layout design.
Even the best data in the world needs to be presented in the right way. Using Excel (online) and Power Bi as main platforms for reporting.

something to say



Queens Gambit Chalange

Hi, This is #queensgambitchallenge, organized by Maven Analytics. The dataset provided is data for 20,000+ chess games played on Lichess, including moves, victor, rating, opening details and

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